travelersneeds is an unethical seller and unethical buyer
1. Lets see how travelersneeds as an unethical buyer.
travelersneeds, who bought my book in May 30, 2010, I sent him the book at the same day.
Soon after sending my book, travelersneeds, who sent me a threatening email, wanted me to leave him positive feedback immediately.
I smelled fishy on this buyer. I knew something would happen. After 28 days, travelersneeds filed item not received on eBay. I contacted him and re-sent him my book. Here was what he said - "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT"
I realize travelersneeds is an unethical buyer. I found he left ton of negative feedback on his sellers and claimed item not received or broken item.[ see feedback ]
2. Lets see how travelersneeds as an unethical seller.
travelersneeds, who bought my book, should know his 32GB SDHC flash memory cards are fake; however, he still continue to sell them on eBay. [ see listing ]
A poor eBayer who paid $40+ on 32GB SDHC card for wedding pictures, suffered the loss of valuable and unrecoverable data.
If you have purchased 32GB SDHC card from travelersneeds, you must test it thoroughly, and file fraud report to eBay. You must help the community to get him out from eBay.
Now, you know who is THIEF and HIGHWAY ROBBER.
Ban this buyer in your eBay listing - click here